Tuesday, August 20, 2013

6 Impossible things before breakfast....

I am getting ready to ship work to Frankfurt Germany for a show at The Dream Factory!
Wish me luck, I have never shown in germany before.... So here goes! 
The theme is Alice in Wonderland so I have done two works to fit... first is the Queen entitled
'Sentence first-Verdict afterward

This one is entitled
'I wonder if I've been changed in the night'

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

No Tears Only Dreams now.. and a move to a new space for Red Raven Gallery

The Show 'No Tears only Dreams now' is up and live at Red Raven Gallery!
Featuring myself, Jel Ena and Alice Savage with new works designed to make you take pause and wonder at womanhood.....

The works will be featured Through July at the Water st location in Port Townsend... then, oh yes, Then... we are moving our whole kittenkaboodle down underground to the New Undertown Shop space.. Get Ready for the Raven Underground! Bigger Better and more equipped to handle all of your passion for art on the edge of fantasy!  At my New space we will be heading up some amazing shows along with great how-do-you-do-it seminars and classes... everything from making books, to figure drawing, to sculpture... a true full service art center.  

So please mark your calendar for the Grand Re-opening reception happening on July 6th during artwalk.. there will be some give-aways too! 
New creative artisans are being added to the mix as you read this.. so many surprises I am bursting! 
I must thank the community both local and online around the world for the fantastic support they have shown and given.  We could not do it without you all!  xoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I was nominated for a Liebster!!

I was nominated for the Liebster!
Surprising Wednesday happening! Someone (Kait De Luna Sea) nominated me for this awesome-ness!
I did not know what it is, but I am finding out now!  So here is the dealio……a little background info first...  I am thinking it is a great way to support other small bloggers and to increase your readership at the same time! Win Win! 

Here are the Rules:
1. Anyone with less than 200 followers can be nominated for The Liebster.
2. Each nominee should post eleven facts about herself or himself.
3. Each nominee should answer the eleven questions that are asked by the person doing the nominating.
4. Choose eleven new bloggers to nominate for the Award and link them in the post.
5. Create eleven new questions for your nominees.
6. Go back to their pages and tell them they've been nominated.
7. No tag backs.

Here we go! 

Eleven things about me
1.       I am a mom of 2 Teens, one going off to college in Fall and one starting high school ( I know!)
2.       In addition to being an artist, I run a small gallery in my hometown…
3.       I really like peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches, since childhood, you should try it!
4.       My hair is naturally white, I do not bleach it to look that way! Hereditary trait…
5.       I was in a car accident at 19 and came close to death.
6.       I cherish my scars
7.       My husband is out to sea a good portion of the year and though it is hard, I love the rhythm of our life
8.       My parents are both gone and I miss them everyday
9.       One of my biggest pet peeves is irresponsible parenting
10.   I don’t have many close friends but the ones I do have are the best (yeah you know who you are)
11.   I believe the worlds problems are solvable

And the eleven questions that were put to me…
1. What is your biggest fear?  Not living long enough to see my children reach their full potential
2. What is your greatest Joy? My children/family

3. What is your favorite album? Right now.. Bat for Lashes ‘The Haunted Man’

4. What is your favorite book (or two, I know, it's hard to pick just one) Jitterbug perfume by Tom Robbins, Otherland by Tad Williams

5. Why do you write? I don’t much.. more paint

6. If you could go anywhere, right now, where would it be? Europe

7. What is your favorite city? San Francisco

8. Have you ever seen the stars without light pollution? Yes of course!

9. Favorite dessert? Chocolate in any form

10. In what ways do you support parents in raising the future generations? Being honest when I see them making dreadful choices
11. In what ways do you support the elder generations? Listening to them

My Eleven nominations:

Eleven questions for you….
1.       What amendment would you add to the constitution?
2.       How old were you when you first fell in love ?(if you have)
3.       Who is your favorite artist?
4.       Favorite take out food? (guilty pleasure)
5.       If you could choose any place to live where would that be?
6.       Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
7.       Favorite movie?
8.       If you could talk to the dead, what would you ask?
9.       What would you be reincarnated as?
10.   Which technological advance would you do away with?
11.   Who do you want to tell off?